3 Ways to Re-Invent Yourself
Each month I choose a different focus for myself, my business and to share with you. This month is Re-Invention & Rebirth
Last month I talked about the very real issue of burnout. For September, the shift in seasons tends to renew our spirit at a deep level, offering us the feeling of a new beginning. Through burnout recovery, you realize that to go forward, something's gotta give and you have to make some changes. Letting go of old parts of you makes space for new parts of you to come forward and develop.
And that's where, again, we are like the phoenix, we are choosing a new way of being, stepping into a create-as-we-go version of ourselves. It can be tricky because old patterns are so easy to fall back into. Establishing new habits or a new way of being can seem daunting at times. Below are a few ideas for you to try.
Here are 3 Ways to Re-Invent Yourself:
Experiment. Who we are, our personality, is really us just remembering and performing a series of habits. To shake things up, try something new in your everyday routine and, act like a scientist, and observe the result. For example, take a new driving route to work, asking yourself as you go along "what am I noticing that I have not seen before?" When you arrive at your location, ask yourself "what about me feels different than before?"
Pretend. This one is really fun. A couple of options for you here. You can borrow a behavior or habit from a friend; or you can make up a whole new idea of a person and act them out. For example, when you arrive at a party, think of someone that you admire or has a quality you'd like to develop, and then ask yourself: "What would they do at this party? How would they act?" And then try that out, pretending like you are them. Alternatively, you can create a whole new person, give them a new name, and ad-lib as you go along.
I do this a lot at coffee shops where they ask for your name, to call when your order is ready. "Delilah Dupree" [one of my aliases] walks, talks and picks up her coffee a whole lot differently than Laura Wall does. It sounds silly, but give it a try, again pausing afterward to notice if some new aspect of yourself has come out that you like and want to incorporate in your daily living.Focus on Your New Identity. As a former personal trainer and mindset coach, part of what tripped up most clients is that they were trying to make decisions from the mindset of their current (not healthy or fit) self. To help they make progress toward their future self, the cue is "What would the healthy and fit you order at the restaurant today?" Or, when coming to the end of the day and you are tired, but you have a gym appointment "What would the future you choose?" This technique helps you tap into a future wise version of yourself, the new identity you are moving towards. You can use this technique by asking the question, adjusting to reflect the future you that you wish to be.